Monday 15 November 2010

Bruno Mars

Ways in which he advertises his self-
1.       Advertisements on the television,
2.        being played on the radio,
3.        posters,
4.        live concert,
5.       Offcial website
6.        official merchandise,
7.         Twitter,
8.        puts videos on you tube such as official music videos and the making of the videos,
9.        Tap Tap Revenge is an application on the IPhone and I touch you can play a game involving Bruno Mar’s song on it,
10.    Myspace,
11.    Facebook.

2 ways they use the internet and discuss
Bruno Mars uses Twitter in order to communicate with has fans. Twitter is a social networking site in which people “tweet” what they are doing, how they are feeling etc. This therefore gives Bruno Mars fans an almost friendly connection with the Artist and makes them that they can understand and relate to his life. If you relate to someone you are more likely to relate to their music. Also if Bruno Mar regularly updates his twitter then people will see his name and then they remember him and think of his songs which will lead to him getting more fans, which will then lead to more people going to buy and see Bruno Mars and a bigger profit overall.
Myspace is another social networking site however is quite different from twitter. On Myspace you can upload songs onto your page. This will then allow people to hear your songs for free. Millions of people log on to Myspace therefore by doing this Bruno Mars is showing his music to a Mass Audience. If people have heard of Bruno Mars but are not sure whether they like him or not they can go onto Myspace listen to some extract’s or some songs and then decide whether they would like to invest in his album or like to watch him live.


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